2023-07-27 09:49:18來源:勵普網
be detained
A prolonged stay
長期滯留to sit for business
因公滯留The detention of the whole class was unfair.
滯留全班學生是不公平的。They met last night to clear up any lingering doubts.
他們昨晚會面,消除一切滯留的疑點。Massive amounts of extracellular fluid may be sequestered in the area of peritoneal injury
大量細胞外液滯留于腹膜損傷區。An abnormal distention of body tissues caused by retention of air.
氣腫因空氣滯留而引起的體組織的不正常的擴張The airport is trying to cope with a backlog of flight held up by fog.
機場正想方設法處理由于大霧而造成的航班滯留問題。During the years that he stayed on the island of Taiwan, he missed his motherland very much.
當他滯留孤島時,對大陸情念頗深。Strand passenger is put up at the airport hotel at the airline "s expense.
因航班延誤而滯留機場的旅客被安排到機場飯店下榻,費用由航空公司承擔。If the average slip velocity is zero, there is no holdup of one phase relative to the other.
v. 扣留,扣押;耽擱,留住,阻留
The police have detained two men for questioning at the police station.
警方拘留了兩個人在警察局盤問。The police detained the man to make further inquiries.
警察拘留了那個人以作進一步的審問。 The police detained the suspected thief for further questioning
警方羈留了盜竊嫌疑犯以作進一步審問。The police detained the suspected thief for further questioning.
警方拘留了盜竊嫌疑犯以做進一步審問。She tried every allurement and persuasion to detain him
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