2023-07-04 09:51:29來源:勵普網
Executive Manager
General Manager
Assistant General Manager assists the GM to manage the departments under his jurisdiction.
副總經理協助總經理做好所轄部門的管理工作。It"s sickening the way Judy pays court to the managing director all the time.
朱迪老是討好總經理,真是令人厭惡。The managing director will attend to your complaint personally.
總經理將親自處理您的投訴。The general manager cleaned out inefficient personnel in the department
總經理開除了這個部門中的不稱職人員。The general manager cleaned out inefficient personnel in the department.
總經理開除了這個部門中的不稱職人員。To his mortification, he was criticized by the managing director in front of all his junior colleagues.
他在全體下級同事面前受到總經理的批評,感到很難堪。An executive with high visibility.
有很大吸引力的總經理He is the general manager in this company.
他是這個公司的總經理。He was exalted to the position of general manager
他被提升為總經理。Are you General Manager"s assistant?
adj. 有執行權的;實施的;行政的
n. 主管;行政官;行政部門
They executed a spy.
他們處死了一個間諜。But will it do execution?
但它能奏效嗎?the execution of steps
n. 經理,當家人,演出人,干事,管理系統
An assistant manager is inferior to a manager.
經理助理的地位比經理低。To manage;contrive.
試圖;設法做到 They managed this trick.
adj. 普遍的,全體的;正常的;大致的,籠統的
n. 將軍
generalized ensemble
廣義系綜 general average
共同海損 The steam can generate electricity by turning an electric generator.
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