2023-05-29 11:00:30來源:勵普網
be injured
wounded in battle.
在戰役中受傷The injured man is unconscious but still alive.
受傷的人不省人事但仍活著。Thumb-stall (sheath to cover an injured thumb)
拇指套(保護受傷拇指的).The wounded animal roared out in pain
受傷的動物疼得大聲吼叫。If you don"t conform to the traffic laws, you might get hurt.
如果不遵守交通法規,則可能受傷。He went to the aid of the hurt man.
他前去幫助那受傷的人。Two players were injured during the match.
有兩名運動員在比賽中受傷.The combat medic bound up the wounded soldiers.
戰地軍醫為受傷的戰士們扎繃帶。We help the injured man off with his clothes.
我們幫那個受傷的人將衣服脫下。The billboard fell to the ground and luckily,no one was hurt.
adj. 受傷的
v. injure的過去式和過去分詞
The injured ankle began to swell.
受傷的腳踝開始腫了。Pardoning the Bad is injuring the good
饒了壞人便傷了好人She was injured in the back.
她背部受了傷。Extension of the injured arm was painful.
把受傷的胳膊伸展開是很疼的。He donned the air of the injured party.
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