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真正的幸福是什么英語 擴展:汽車詞匯大全

2023-03-17 09:43:00來源:勵普網

在生活中,很多人都不知道真正的幸福是什么英語 擴展:汽車詞匯大全是什么意思,其實他的意思是非常簡單的,下面就是小編搜索到的真正的幸福是什么英語 擴展:汽車詞匯大全相關的一些知識,我們一起來學習下吧!




  The desire to live happy motivates us to pursue what we think will create it.

  Some find it. Others only bump into to from time to time. Then, seemingly, as suddenly and randomly as bumping into happiness, in a flash, it’s gone again. Still others have a hard time ever even spotting it along the side of the road of the life they travel.

  The problem is that far too many people don’t know what produces the thing they seek. They’ve been educated on Disney movies or sitcoms and now have a warped sense of what happiness is all about.

  So they pursue it in the wrong places: They look for it in the next thrill or in the next relationship, or in the next job or the bigger house. Or they wait for it, hoping it will arrive when the kids move out or when the Democrats or Republicans win or when they get that anticipated promotion or when they retire.

  No wonder happiness for so many often seems an illusion, a shifting shadow, out of reach. As I’ve said before, happiness is a state of being rather than a condition of circumstance. And yet we all sometimes catch ourselves looking for happiness outside, from others, from what we have or own or from the numbers in the portfolio or the job title. And yet happiness cannot be found lurking in such external things.


  1. Fun & Excitement = HappinessI love to wrestle with my 5-year-old son. We play Transformers and have tickle fights. He is fun and funny and we enjoy playing with each other. But dinner, bath and bedtime rob me of those richly rewarding moments. The fun ends when he goes to bed. And when the fun is over, well, it’s over.

  Fun ends; happiness endures. Pursuing the former too vigorously can delay attainment of the latter indefinitely. Just as unhappiness is not the absence of excitement, excitement is not the same thing as happiness. It is those who confuse the two that often end up with lots of fun and little deep-rooted happiness.

  2. Enjoyment & Pleasure = HappinessWe can enjoy a sunset or take pleasure in the laughter of a child. And such external conditions and experiences can certainly add immense joy to our lives. But sunsets end as darkness swallows the remaining rays of light. Children stop laughing and sometimes cry. The enjoyment ends. The pleasure stops. But that’s not what happiness was to begin with.

  3. Fame and Fortune = HappinessJust a quick glance at Hollywood should be enough to dispel this myth! Look at the cases of anorexia and petty theft and divorce and rehab and scandal. If fame and fortune were somehow connected to happiness, Hollywood should be the new happiest place on earth. It’s not because such things don’t produce what so many from the outside looking in think they produce.

  SummaryThe reason the myths above fail to produce true happiness is that such things are transitory, shifting, experience-oriented or conditional. “I had fun at Disneyland. I enjoy a good book. The rollercoaster or skiing or my first date was exciting. That bath or massage or taste was pleasurable.” When the vacation ends, the fun is over. When the ride stops, the excitement is done. When the masseuse stops massaging, the pleasure receptors stop signaling. Such positive feelings are event-specific and tied to that moment or the memory of it.

  They are reactions to events and activities, emotional and physiological responses to external stimuli. Happiness, by contrast, is enduring, a state of being, the natural extension of principles adhered to and character traits developed.

  In other words, happiness is not something that happens to you. It is something you develop, even earn, as the end product of a life building and developing those traits that produce the state we desire.

  Happiness is still around when the fun is over, the pleasure and the memory of it extinguished, the excitement dulled and the enjoyment no longer enjoyable. It’s the feeling you have when you look into a mirror and like the person looking back at you, when you look out at life and an involuntary sigh of gratitude or satisfaction slips from your lips.


  Earth wire搭鐵線



  EGR control valve EGR控制閥

  EGR delay solenoid EGR延遲線圈

  EGR delay timer EGR時間延遲閥

  EGR temperature valve EGR溫控閥

  EGR valve EGR閥

  Electronic control unit(ECU)電子控制單位,計算機

  Electronic devices 電子設備

  Electronic fan 電動風扇

  Electronic ignition system 電子點火系統

  Electronic sensor1 電子感知器

  Electronic spark timing(E.S.T.)電子點火正時

  Electric fuel pump 電動汽油泵

  Emission control system廢氣控制系統

  End play 端間隙


  Engine fan引擎風扇

  Ethylene glycol 乙烯乙二醇

  Evaporative emission control(EEC)汽油蒸汽控制系統

  Exhaust camshaft 排汽門凸輪軸

  Exhaust emission 廢氣

  Exhaust gases 廢氣

  Exhaust-gas recirculation(EGR)廢氣再循環系統

  Exhaust manifolds 排汽歧管

  Exhaust port 排汽門孔

  Exhaust stroke 排汽行程

  Exhaust valve 排汽門

  Exhaust wastegate 排汽旁道閥

  Expander 襯環

  Expansion tank 副水箱,油汽膨脹室

  Expansion valve 膨脹閥

  External-combustion engine外燃機

  Fan belt 風扇皮帶

  Fast-idle 快怠速

  Fault diagnosis 故障診斷

  Feedback-control 回饋控制

  Final drive 最終傳動

  Fires 點火

  Firing mate 點火相對缸

  Firing order 點火順序

  Fitting 接頭

  Fixed pin 固定式活塞銷

  Fixing plate 固定板

  Flame arrester 火焰抑制器

  Fluid 液體

  Fluid coupling 液體耦合器

  Flywheel 飛輪

  Formula 公式

  Four-stroke-cycle Engine 四行程引擎

  Four wheel alignment 四輪校正

  Four wheel steering 四輪轉向

  Freezing point 冰點

  Fresh air inlet 新鮮空氣入口

  Friction disk 磨擦片,離合器片

  Friction horsepower 摩擦馬力

  Front oil seal 前油封

  Front suspension 前懸吊

  Front-wheel alignment 前輪校正

  Front-wheel drive 前輪驅動

  Fuel 燃油

  Fuel enrichment function 燃油增濃功能

  Fuel filter 汽油濾清器

  Fuel metering system 燃油計量系統

  Fuel pump 汽油泵

  Fuel pump gasket 汽油泵墊片

  Fuel rail 汽油分供管

  Fuel-system 燃油系統

  Fuel supply system 燃油供給系統

  Fuel tank 油箱

  Fuel-tank cap 油箱蓋

  Full-floating pin 全浮式活塞銷

  Full-load 全負荷

  Fuse 保險

相關內容: 真正的幸福是什么英語


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