2023-03-15 09:57:59來源:勵普網
提起我的音樂的英文怎么寫 我的音樂的英文例句大家在熟悉不過了,被越來越多的人所熟知,那你知道我的音樂的英文怎么寫 我的音樂的英文例句嗎?快來和小編一起去了解一下吧!
my music
Recently, I took a first step toward getting my music collection back in order.
Or, to return to my musical metaphor, you will know which college is playing yourtune.
Over the years, I"ve ripped my music onto various computers and, in the process,muddled my MP3 collection to the point where I have numerous directoriesrepresenting a cornucopia of music.
He was dying of cancer and he told me how much he loved my music and me.
CD: My new role as Goodwill Ambassador will give me the chance to energize thefight against TB through my music.
Earlier he’d been ‘in my studio, on my music program, writing some orchestralmusic – which I love doing: it’s like a musical crossword.
But these plug-ins aren"t huge, and aside from my music library, I have more than enough disk space.
I don"t think my music changed at all because of where I lived.
I don’t have a specific goal. I only want to let my music grow.
I stream my music wirelessly from my computer to my stereo.
I"m in the midst of the recording process, working with incredible songwriters andproducers, and my music has really evolved.
I’ve actually exercised just to listen to my music.
Thankfully due to my music career, my love of the road will remain satisfied eitherway.
This was around the time my musician parents recognized that their one and onlyoffspring was not musically gifted.
Actually I am going to create my music on the stage, in relation to people so it"s not a preset music.
Hence, my music for me means rebellion against my superego. My Music is theadvocate of my soul.
斯塔夫再現 。媽媽把我的音樂才能看作是情理中事,就好比她眼中的我是那樣出色、迷人,又天生聰慧。
Mom took my musical ability as a natural extension of my general wonderfulness,charm, and native intellect.
My family, my friends, my art, my music, my writing, and my community work areconstant sources of joy and satisfaction.
父親是我的音樂啟蒙老師 。
My dad was my first musical influence.
Like most Lifehacker readers, I"m using Dropbox to sync my files across multiplecomputers—including a subset of my music collection.
"But in my music, you don"t have to be alive at all, " Tarantino said. "I"m looking forthat stuff that you haven"t heard a gazillion times before."
B: It"s not noise. It"s my music.
B: It"s not noise. It"s my music.
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