
全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
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2023-03-08 09:32:15來源:勵普網





  1. 布什說:"總統特赦是無條件的,它們從今以后將不會受到傷害。"

  With the president are turkey industry representatives Jeff Radford (L) and Stuart Proctor.

  2. 既然你們告訴我們說我們的政府做得還不夠,那么從今以后我們將努力做好。

  Since you told us that our government still did not enough.We will try to comport better since now on.

  3. 謝謝你們“為我們所做的一切”,真的非常感謝。既然你們告訴我們說我們的政府做得還不夠,那么從今以后我們將努力做好。

  Thank you for all you did to us, really thanks! Since you told us that our government still did not enough. We will try to comport better since now on.

  4. 她把那串珍珠遞給你,說,“從今以后,我又做回‘蘭緹’了。”

  She hands the pearls to you and says, “From now on, I’m back to being ‘Lentil.

  5. 從今以后她只有在名份上是我的妹妹,倒不是我不認她,是因為她不認我。

  Hereafter she is only my sister in name; not because I disown her, but because she has disowned me.

  6. 從今以后,你要記住,所謂潛規則,那是齷齪小人的借口,堂堂正正地做人,在娛樂圈里也是一條準則。”

  From now henceforth, you must remember, the so-called hidden rule, that is the dirty villain"s excuse, the personhood, in the entertainment world is also open and aboveboard a criterion.

  7. 老人機靈一動,轉念一想,便改口對猴子說:“早上三顆,晚上四顆你們嫌少,那么就再增加一顆,讓大家都吃飽。”從今以后,每天早晨吃四顆,晚上吃三顆,這樣你們都該滿意了吧。

  When the monkeys heard that they could get one more acorn in the morning, they were delighted and hastily ran to their master"s feet to get their acorns.

  8. 我告訴你們,從今以后,我不再喝這葡萄汁,直等神的國來到。

  For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come.

  9. 我告訴你們,從今以后,我不再喝這葡萄汁,直等上帝的國來到。

  For I tell you I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.

  10. 我告訴你們,從今以后,我絕不喝這葡萄樹的產品,直等神的國來到。

  For I tell you, I shall by no means drink from now on of the product of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.

  11. 他的夥伴西庇太的兒子,雅各,約翰,也是這樣。耶穌對西門說,不要怕,從今以后,你要得人了。

  And so was also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.

  12. 從今以后,只等待將他的仇人變作他腳下的踏板。

  From henceforth expecting, until his enemies be made his footstool.

  13. 基于這個原因,從今以后公布的外幣資產都會是綜合已擴大的外匯基金資產數字。

  Henceforth, the announcement of the foreign currency figure will be on a consolidated basis using the assets of the enlarged Exchange Fund.

  14. 從今以后,人都不要攪擾我,因為我身體上帶著耶穌的烙印。

  Henceforth let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the brands of Jesus.

  15. 從今以后,人都不要攪擾我。因為我身上帶著耶穌的印記。

  From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.


  1. --這兩位紳士哪一個--(哄堂大笑和掌聲)--究竟誰有資格披紅戴花,榮任本鎮有史以來的首任騙人精--他讓哈德萊堡丟了人,從今以后哈德萊堡也要讓他不自在!

  --which of these two gentlemen--[laughter and applause]--is entitled to wear the belt as being the first dishonest blatherskite ever bred in this town--which he has dishonoured, and which will be a sultry place for him from now out!"

  2. 合唱:從今以后,在主的恩澤中死亡的人有福了。圣靈說:“是的,他們平息了自己的勞苦,他們的業績永遠伴隨他們。

  P>7 Selig sind die Toten

  3. 從今以后,你永遠不必奢望更好的指甲油了。

  You"ll never have to hope for a Better nail enamel ever again.


  5. 但是歌迷們并不太相信他從今以后會徹底告別歌壇。

  But, fans of the former Wham front man didnt quite believe that he would never sing a concert again.

  6. 傳統觀點認為,這對情侶從今以后將一直幸福地生活下去。憤世嫉俗的現代觀點則是,他們注定會翻臉相向并迅速離婚。

  A traditional view is that this couple will live happily ever after. The 15)cynical modern view is that they"re doomed to 16)recrimination and a quick divorce.

  7. 從今以后,不論境遇好壞,家境貧富,生病與否,誓言相親相愛,至死不分離。

  No matter prosperity or adversity.No matter rich or poor.Love and respect each other,never separate or abandon, unless death dispart us.

  8. 很多年來這都只是科幻事物,但專家說從今以后的25年,夢想會變成現實。

  Make no doubt about it," Stanford University professor and world-renowned "futurist" Paul Saffo told "Good Morning America"s Weekend Edition.

  9. 果然如此的話,他們或許已經注意到,過去旗面上畫著的白色蹄掌和犄角現在沒有了。從今以后那面旗將是全綠的旗。

  Henceforward the farm was to be known as "The Manor Farm"-which, he believed, was its correct and original name.

  10. 我希望這些天是我們最后一次聽到屈服和順從。從今以后,這兩個詞將被歷史遺忘,再提到也是荒謬可笑。

  I hope in these days we have heard the last of conformity and consistency. Let the words be gazetted and ridiculous henceforward.

  11. 太21:111看見路旁有一棵無花果樹、就走到跟前、在樹上找不著甚么、不過有葉子.就對樹說、從今以后、你永不結果子。

  And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever.

  12. 從今以后我們必須在人類爭取大自由的斗爭中像同志一樣一起前進。

  henceforward we must march forward as comrades in the great struggle for human freedom

  13. 我希望這些天是我們最后一次聽到屈服和順從。從今以后,這兩個詞將被歷史遺忘,再提到也是荒謬可笑。

  2)I hope in these days we have heard the last of conformity and consistency. Let the words be gazetted and ridiculous henceforward.

  14. 從今以后,你就不只有你媽媽一個人的愛了,你要得到雙倍的愛的!跳過小溪,到我們這兒來。你不是可以象一頭小鹿一樣地跳嘛!"

  "Thou wilt have twice as much love, henceforward, as thy mother alone could give thee! Leap across the brook, and come to us. Thou canst leap like a young deer!"

  15. 19看見路旁有一棵無花果樹、就走到跟前、在樹上找不著甚麼、不過有葉子.就對樹說、從今以后、你永不結果子。

  19 And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever.


  1. 我從今以后也一定要把它忘記得干干凈凈。”

  But in such cases as these, a good memory is unpardonable.


  3. 我希望她從今以后能得到自由的生活,就好像一個真正的美國女兒,而不是一個養女。

  I hope she"ll always feel like a daughter of America and not like a stepchild.

  4. “從今以后,你什么都不是了,在我心里。”

  You are shit henceforward in my mind.

  5. 從今以后,這兩個詞將被歷史遺忘,再提到也是荒謬可笑。

  Let the words be gazetted and ridiculous henceforward.

  6. 從今以后,你就不只有你媽媽一個人的愛了,你要得到雙倍的愛的!

  Thou wilt have twice as much love henceforward as thy mother alone could give thee!

  7. 從今以后價格的漲勢將變得平緩些,也會趨向和通脹同步。

  Price appreciation will be more gradual hereon and more in keeping with inflation.

  8. 那人說從今以后他要努力工作了。

  The man said that he would work hard henceforth.

  9. 我發誓從今以后再也不向你說謊話。

  I promise never to lie to you henceforth.

  10. 他答應從今以后要表現得好些。

  He has promised to behave better henceforth.

  11. 從今以后,北風對北方人沒有益處。

  Henceforth, the north wind is worthless to the northerners.

  12. 我發誓從今以后再也不說謊話。

  I promise never to lie henceforth.

  13. 回到家里,我重重地把這件臭襯衫甩進衣柜,發誓從今以后不穿它。

  At home, I stuck the shirt in the back of the coset and never wore it again.

  14. 銀行家被皮匠的直率逗笑了,他說:“我要妳從今以后不愁沒錢用。這一百枚錢妳拿去,小心放好,需要時拿來用吧。”

  The cobber fancied he beheld all the wealth which the earth had produced in the past century for the use of mankind.

  15. 希望咱們的命運好轉起來,從今以后我們不會有這么多的艱難困苦。

  Let"s hope our luck is on the turn and that from now on we won"t have so many difficulties.


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