2022-12-12 11:46:03來源:勵普網
在生活中,很多人都不知道鍛煉用英語怎么說 鍛煉英語說法是什么意思,其實他的意思是非常簡單的,下面就是小編搜索到的鍛煉用英語怎么說 鍛煉英語說法相關的一些知識,我們一起來學習下吧!
take exercise
to do physical training
His strength as a news-reader lies in his training as a journalist.
All this mountain climbing will toughen the boys up.
Do you prefer to do exercise indoors or out of doors?
The simplest way to exercise a dog is to run the dog.
The general physical fitness of exercisers was superior to no exercisers.
It was as if we had exercised that muscle as well.
Patients exercised their atrophied limbs in the swimming pool.
Give your upper body a workout by using handweights.
Do you often work
You should take some exercise.
I go on a computer training weise in the nineteen nineties.
This experience has tempered their idealism.
Android hardware is exploring everything from home automation to exercise gaming and robotics.
Harden one"s revolutionary will into steel.
When I am tempering a piece of steel, I first beat it, hammer it, and then suddenly plunge it into this bucket of cold water.
Walking exercise may be boring at times but early on a clear sunny morning there can be nothing finer.
Try these simple exercises to keep your feet supple.
Taking plenty of exercise can be of great benefit.
A bit of exercise will help lift his spirits.
When I discover after one or two tests that it is not going to allow itself to be tempered, I throw it on the scrap heap and sell it for a cent a pound when the junk man comes around.
Want to work out like your favourite athlete? Strength training is your answer!
Your goal doesn"t have to be to make it to the Olympics in order to get the most from your workouts.
Whether you"re training for a race or simply looking to stay active, why shouldn"t you at least be able to train like your favourite athletes? Fitness expert and coach Nick Grantham - who has worked with many top athletes and Olympians - thinks we should all be able to train to our full potential regardless of our individual goals.
His new book The Strength & Conditioning Bible: How to Train Like an Athlete is designed to give you everything you need to make it happen. "Anyone who wants to improve their fitness levels and is willing to invest some time and effort can optimise their training and performance," he says. "And that"s pretty much anyone!"
Gone are the days when you needed the most expensive training tools and elite trainers by your side to train smart. From guide books to online personal trainers, there are increasingly easy and effective ways to get training - but with Nick"s experience working in high-performance fitness and sport science, you can really count on The Strength & Conditioning Bible to not only explain what to do and how to do it, but also why you"re doing it.
"As a coach I know the power of understanding," Nick says. "If you understand why you"re performing an activity, you"re far more likely to stick to the training programme."
As well as giving you the chance to take exercises up a notch, it also preps you to continue your training confidently on your own. "It offers sample sessions, and appropriate progressions" he adds. "It also provides the reader with an understanding that will allow them to develop their own effective programmes."
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