發布時間:2022-09-28 17:12:57來源:勵普網
Are you going to America by boat or by plane?
The airplane is airworthy.
An airplane alighted on the airdrome.
The plane circled the airport before landing.
The airplane was attacked by dropping bombs.
The new aircraft is undergoing safety tests.
She is unused to flying and gets a little anxious in planes.
In some cases engines have even fallen off with no ill effect.
The aircraft was smashed and they stepped out onto the open desert.
A light aircraft crash-landed on a putting green yesterday.
By now the plane was running out of fuel.
She has jumped from an aeroplane four times.
The plane crashed mysteriously near the island of Ustica.
Casualties had to be brought to hospital by air.
The plane was a modified version of the C-130.
He made a desperate attempt to hijack a plane.
Beyond a stand of trees a small plane idled.
Military briefers say no planes were shot down today.
He had plenty of time to catch his plane.
I was really gobsmacked when I saw your picture of a model wearing a hat with a toy airplane on it.
The world"s biggest airplane has been shown to reporters in the United States.
The plane, called Stratolaunch, is set to begin testing in the coming weeks.
Stratolaunch weighs about 227,000 kilograms. It has the largest wingspan of any aircraft ever built. It measures 117 meters from one end to the other.
The plane has been kept inside a building in the California desert while being built. It was removed from its home, at the Mojave Air & Space Port, and shown to reporters on Wednesday.
To support its size and weight, Stratolaunch has 28 wheels. The plane can hold more than 113,000 kilograms of fuel. It is powered by six engines made for Boeing 747 aircraft.
The plane was built for Stratolaunch Systems, a business owned by Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen. Allen started the company in 2011 with the hope of building aircraft to launch rockets into space.
Allen says he first became excited about space exploration after watching Russia"s Yuri Gagarin become the first man to travel to space in 1961.
I would never have imagined that, more than 50 years later, access to low Earth orbit (LEO) would still be costly, complex and difficult, Allen wrote in a blog post. I am determined to change this to help maximize the potential of space to improve life here on Earth.
Stratolaunch Systems is attempting to ease LEO access and provide services such as launching satellites. The company entered a partnership with Scaled Composites to develop and build the new aircraft.
The satellite-carrying rockets are to be connected to the bottom of the plane. Once Stratolaunch reaches a height of about 10,000 meters, the rockets would be dropped, then "air launched" to space.
Stratolaunch Systems said the plane"s airport-style launch system and ability to launch rockets over and over again will reduce costs for satellite companies. The plane will also cut wait times between launches and is able to avoid bad weather areas, the company said.
The aircraft is to begin fuel, ground and flight line tests in the coming weeks. The first actual launch demonstration is not expected before 2019.
這架飛機在建造期間一直放置于加州沙漠的一個建筑內。現在,目前,該飛機已經從莫哈維太空站(Mojave Air & Space Port)內移出,并于周三在記者面前亮相。
這架飛機的建造方是平流層發射系統公司,該公司的總裁兼創始人名為保羅 艾倫。艾倫011年創建了這家公司,是希望能建造出可以將火箭發射到太空的飛機。
艾倫表示,最初自己開始對空間探索狂熱不已是在看了俄羅斯飛行員尤里 加加林(Yuri Gagarin)1961年成為空間探索第一人的視頻之后。
平流層發射系統公司正在努力降低進入近地軌道的難度,并提供發射衛星等服務。該公司還與縮尺復合體公司(Scaled Composites)合作,研發這樣的新飛機。
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