發布時間:2022-06-22 16:56:52來源:勵普網
reform and opening-up;
reform and opening to the outside world
I immediately allayed their concerns.On the contrary, China is making further economic reforms to facilitate the process of opening up.
We refer to our reform and opening-up as socialist reform and opening-up because they constitute the process of self-improvement and development of the socialist system in China.
改革開放 英語怎么說
In the past 30 years, every innovation of theory and practice would start from mind emancipating, which is the forerunner of reform and opening.
改革與開放] 摘要:鄧小平是我國改革開放的總設計師。
Deng Xiaoping is the chief designer of China"s reform and opening-up policy.
In 30 years since reform and opening up, promoting quality-oriented education has become an important direction in accounting basic education and accounting majors education reform.
The conclusion of this paper is that the level of Chinese food security has substantially improved since the adoption of reform and opening door policy.
China owes its rapid development in the past 30 years and more to reform and opening-up, and this will be equally true for its future development and progress.
We refer to our reform and opening-up as socialist reform and opening-up because they constitute the process of self-improvement and development of the socialist system in China.
But when Comrade Deng Xiaoping, the chief architect of the reform and opening policy, came here, he saw a very good result of the local reform and opening efforts and was very pleased.
The fundamental way out lies in reform and openness.
Our industry has leapt forward since we followed the policy of reform and opening.
China was really another world before the great reform and opening which beganin 1979.
What should the government do to help the poor live a better life and spread thebenefits of the reform and opening-up policy to all?
The success we have achieved will further inspire the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to carry forward the cause of reform, opening-up and socialistmodernization with full confidence.
As China needs to resolve the contradictions, resolve the side effects of reformand opening, and sustain growth, it has no choice but to sustain pragmatism.
再如, “在改革開放政策引導下的中國,氣象萬千,充滿活力,不斷進步,這些我們都已經強烈地感受到了。”
We have acquired a keen sense of the diversity , dynamism and progress ofChina underyour policies of reform and opening to the out sideworld.
She asked what I thought of China, then beginning its new reform process.
We welcome foreign enterprises including US enterprises actively participating inChina"s reform and opening up process.
In the past 30 years, building on the achievements made since New China was born, we have made remarkable achievements in all our endeavors. Reform andopening up has been our driving force.
Wen also introduced China"s achievements and experiences since its reform andopening-up.
The policy was first contemplated in 1978 when China’s reform and opening-uppolicies were launched.
Over the past 60 years, especially the past 30 years of reform and opening up,China has made solid steps forward, and its economic strength has madequalitative leaps every few years. article.yeeyan.org
After 20 years of hard work, China has made remarkable achievements in reform,opening up and modernization drive.
With the deepened development of the reform and opening up of our country, thispreviously very important institution is having increasingly little influence over thenational governance.
With the development of our country"s reform and open,the organization whichused to be important now has few influence on managing the country.
He said that China"s reform, opening up and modernization drive have scoredadmirable achievements and China is playing an increasingly important role ininternational affairs.
With deep development of our country"s reform and opening-up, this institutionwhich once was vital to manage the country now is becoming less and less inportant.
He noted that China, with ever increasing economic power after more than 30years of reform and opening-up, has become an important member of emergingmarkets.
Since reforms and open policies were initiated, Nanchong city has been constructed as a center of northeast Sichuan Province by modifying its old districts and selling its land.
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