2023-12-11 15:45:23來源:勵普網
junk e-mail
No free newspapers or junk mail
請勿發送免費報紙或垃圾郵件Microsoft chairman Bill Gates is inundated with up to four million e-mails a day - most of them junk.
微軟總裁比爾·蓋茨現在每天都被淹沒在多達四百萬封電子郵件中,其中絕大多數都是垃圾郵件。Generally, the inbox can always receive junk mail.
一般來說,信箱總能收到垃圾郵件。They are a small group of people fighting the spam plague.
他們是與泛濫成災的垃圾郵件作斗爭的一小群人。Unauthorized emails are treated as junk after a period of time.
未被授權的電子郵件時間的時期如垃圾郵件被對待。Don"t believe that junk mail you get about you winning a prize draw.
不要相信你收到的關于你在抽獎活動中獲獎的垃圾郵件。You can setup spam blocker to check multiple email accounts.
您可以安裝垃圾郵件攔截器檢查多個電子郵件帳號。I am sorry about this but this is the only way I can keep spam under control.
我對這表示非常抱歉,但是這是我能保證垃圾郵件在我控制當中的唯一辦法。hence the use of "spam" for unwanted e-mail that buries e-mail of significance
因此人們就用spam來指那些把有用信息淹沒的垃圾郵件。Don"t believe that junk mail you get about you winning a prize draw-It"s just a scam.
n. 無用的東西,垃圾食品,中國式帆船
v. 把…當作廢物扔棄
There is a motley collection of junk.
有一堆各式各樣的廢舊雜物。Junk food hurts children.
垃圾食品危害孩子們(的健康)。A collection of junk,rubbish,etc
n. 郵政,郵遞;郵件;盔甲
v. 郵寄;給…穿盔甲
Send the memo by express mail.
把這份備忘錄用快遞寄出。 mail and luggage van
郵政行李車 This parcel came in the mail today.
n. 午餐肉;垃圾電郵
Nowadays, you can not easily find spam in a grocery.
如今,雜貨鋪里都不怎么賣豬肉罐頭了。 They are a small group of people fighting the spam plague.
他們是與泛濫成災的垃圾郵件作斗爭的一小群人。Hawaiians eat more spam than any other people in the world.
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