2023-05-29 11:26:02來源:勵普網
exhaust (gas
Motor vehicle exhaust
汽車尾氣排放Effluent control
排放控制Control of sulfur dioxide emission
二氧化硫排放控制It is prohibited to discharge waste water containing high-level radioactive matter into the sea.
含強放射性物質的廢水,禁止向海域排放。Biological effluent treatment: Liquor and general process drainage is collected and treated prior to discharge to sewer.
噴淋液和通常工藝產生的廢水被收集必須經過處理才能排放。"an abrupt discharge of fluid, especially of seminal fluid."
"突然排放液體,尤指排放精液."Production or discharge of pus.
膿的產生和排放The discharge into the sea of a category a substance is prohibited.
禁止排放a類物質入海。Integrated air pollutant discharge standard
大氣污染物綜合排放標準The treaty binds each country to reduce pollution levels.
v. 解雇;免除;卸下;卸貨;放出;排放;流出;開槍;發射
n. 排放;卸貨;解雇
notice of discharge
職位撤銷通知書 This is your discharge ticket.
這是你的解雇證明書。bad conduct discharge
v. 排空;用完;使枯竭;詳盡地論述
n. 排放;排氣管;廢氣
It is not, of course, exhaustive
當然這是不夠詳盡的。The exhaust gas exits through the other exhaust manifold
廢氣經另外一個排氣歧管排出。The purpose is not to give an exhaustive treatment.
n. 氣體;煤氣;毒氣;汽油
v. 放出氣體;加汽油;用毒氣殺傷(人)
development of gas
放出氣體;放出毒氣 This gas mask can immunize you against poison gas.
防毒面具能使你免遭毒氣襲擊。long-distance gas
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