發布時間:2020-09-29 10:45:22來源:轉載
As is demonstrated in the diagram, from 2000 to 2008, the mobile-phone subscription number grew sharply from 0.5 billion to 4 billion in developing countries. Contrastingly, during the same period, there was only a moderate increase (from0.7 billion to 1 billion) in developed countries.
Different performance was due to different market environment. In developing countries, the mobile phone market hadn’t reached saturation. Considering the population size there, the number of potential customers would be enormous. Thanks to the economic boom, an increasing number of potential customers gradually joined the market, resulting in the take-off of mobile phone subscriptions. However, indeveloped countries, there was a saturated market, leaving little room for growth.
Since the mobile phone market remains vast and the economy is still growing steadily in developing countries, the number of mobile phone subscribers there will continue to grow at a fast rate; nevertheless, the growth will slow down as the market reaches saturation. In comparison, the market has reached saturation in developed countries, so the growth of mobile phone subscription number is expected to remain stagnant unless extra demand is stimulated. (184 words)
1. diagram圖表
2. demonstrate展示,演示
3. contrastingly形成鮮明對比的是
4. potential潛在的
5. stimulate刺激
6. during the same period 在同一時期
7. reach saturation 達到飽和
8. population size 人口規模
9. an increasing number of 越來越多的
10. at a fast rate 以飛快的速度
11. in comparison 相比之下
12. be expected to 預期會……
13. extra demand 額外的需求
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