2023-07-17 14:35:18來源:勵普網
A horde of ruffians
一群流氓A regular hero,rascal,genius
真正的英雄、流氓、天才Her rascal of a husband
她的流氓丈夫The rascal is a randy man.
這個流氓是個好色之徒。He is just a two-bit gangster.
他只是一個不入流的流氓。The extortioner does not practise in the home
流氓不在自己家里敲詐勒索。The ringleader lent Frank a large sum and has had him in the hollow of his hand ever since.
那流氓頭子借給弗蘭克一大筆錢,從此就把弗蘭克提捏在他手心里任意擺布。The gangster sat poker-faced throughout the trial.
整個審判過程中,那個流氓一直面無表情地坐在那兒。Many landlords, rich peasants and riff-raff have seized the opportunity to sneak into our Party.
這即是有許多地主分子、富農分子和流氓分子乘機混進了我們的黨。Bands of hooligans roving(round)the streets
n. 流氓;小淘氣
adj. 兇猛的
v. 去劣;欺騙;游手好閑
A rogue wave swamped the boat...
兇猛的海浪淹沒了船只。You rogue, what have you done this time?
小淘氣鬼,你這次干了什么?The farmer rogued the seed.
農夫淘汰了劣種。I will rogue the seed.
我會幫種子去劣。He gave the rogue a smash on the jaw.
n. 無禮,不體面,猥褻
A thing is indecent if by reason of indecency it is not suitable to be published to a juvenile.
一件物件如因其屬于不雅而不宜向青少年發行者,是謂之不雅。He left the party with indecent haste.
他很不禮貌地匆匆離開宴會。An alarming increase in cases of indecent assault,eg rape.
強奸猥褻案件驚人的增加.It should not matter that they thought her behaviour indecent and uncivilized
即使人們認為她行為不檢,缺乏教養,那也無足掛齒。He accused Mrs Moore of making an indecent suggestion.
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